A lot of people are now spending a lot more time at home, this may mean that you notice more things about your house, good and bad. With that in mind the amount of people looking to redecorate or spruce up the home and make a change has increased, and that is no surprise if you are spending more time in there than you were previously, the little things may not have mattered before but the longer you are there they may matter more.
If you are bored of your home or just fancy making a change and you are unsure how you can spruce up your home, then these few tips will give you some ideas to get your started and help to make your home nicer to be in.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels
Try and update your living room
If you are spending more time in your living room or your family then it may be time to update it and maybe rearrange it a little. Try to change the angle of the seating when it comes to watching TV or get more seating if needed so that everyone can enjoy it together and have a good view. If you are trying to make it more of a TV free space then moving the seating away from the TV and maybe getting more things like bean bags and things on the other side of the room for people to just relax in, also try to incorporate more blankets and cushions so it becomes a relaxation area rather than just for watching TV
You can even update the furnishings more if you want a change of look, maybe look into a made to measure curtains company to get in some lovely new curtains or look at some new coffee tables and lamps to try and make a change from what you have already.
Redecorate your main rooms
Redecorating is the best way to make a change in your home and the way it looks to you, just with a lick of paint or some updated wall paper it can really change the way you feel in a room. If you want to go further you can look into new flooring and maybe new cupboards if you are doing the kitchen. The thing with redecorating is it does not need to be huge changes just enough for you to be happy and enjoy the space more.
Photo by Nasim Keshmiri on Unsplash
Manage your storage
For a lot of people, sprucing their home can be as easy as just having a tidy up, you need to look at your storage in your home and check you are utilising it enough and tidy it or make changes if you are not. If you feel you need more storage and have the space then try and get some more to help keep the house from being cluttered and keep it tidy. IF you are having issues with cupboard space then there are plenty of splitters and spinning storage you can get to utilise the cupboard space better
If you are bored of your home and what it looks like, maybe you are just spending more time there and noticing things more well hopefully, these few tips will help you get started on sprucing up your home and making it a happier place for you to live in and enjoy.
Thank you so much for reading!
Stay wonderful!
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